Santa'S Journey Across The Globe And When He Reaches Ireland

Santa’s Journey Across The Globe And When He Arrives In Ireland

Santa Claus travels around the globe, and thanks to NORAD’s tracking of his yearly trip around the world, you’ll know precisely when he’s scheduled to land in Ireland.

Since 1958, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, with its cutting-edge radar equipment, has been monitoring Santa as part of a holiday tradition that informs millions of children worldwide of the precise arrival date of their gifts.

The story of the program’s beginning has been repeated for centuries, just like any lovely Christmas tale. When a youngster called a number incorrectly labelled in a newspaper ad believing she was phoning Santa Claus in 1955, Air Force Colonel Harry Shoup, the Continental Air Defence Command’s on-duty commander at the time, took the call.

The colonel assumed it was a joke before realizing what had transpired and assuring the youngster that he was indeed Santa. This tradition is still observed more than 60 years later.

While the job of NORAD is to keep an eye out for any potential dangers in the sky above North America, It adds additional responsibility around Christmas.

Before Santa’s Journey

Santa spends time in his office with Mrs. Claus checking the list of children who have been good for the year before his journey. He notes their addresses and is sure to reach them all. After that, he checks in on his elves to ensure they have packaged the gifts and readied the reindeer. The reindeer should be attached to the magic sleigh in preparation for the night journey.

How to Track

Santa Claus and his reindeer-driven sleigh, filled with gifts of all sizes and forms, start the annual trip around the world to bring a pleasant dose of laughter to befitting children during Christmas. According to NORAD, a joint military operation between the US and Canada has tracked Santa on his global mission for years.

The Santa Tracker allows families to follow Santa Claus as he travels through Asia, the South Pacific, Europe, Africa, and the Americas in 3D digital. NORAD, based in Colorado, delivers real-time updates on Santa’s route on the 24th of December.

You can watch it by visiting, following #NORADTracksSanta and the page @NoradSanta on Twitter, or using the related applications. At the same time, it is being handled by dozens of volunteers from NORAD’s headquarters.

Norad’s Role

Early on Christmas Eve, several radar sites in Alaska and northern Canada will detect an infrared signature coming from Rudolph’s nose, signalling the start of the Santa expedition. Geostationary satellites operated by Norad orbit the Earth to help keep an eye on Santa’s route. A command post at Colorado Springs’ Peterson Space Service Station is festively decorated, and everything is displayed on big, “unclassified” display screens there.

Many volunteers are seated at tables adorned with phones, garlands, Christmas trees, and caffeinated candy and espresso drinks.The military motto of Norad is “We Have the Watch,” As regards Santa, they then say, “Santa calls the shots; we just track him.”

Christmas in Ireland

It’s not just the gifts, the customs, or the food that make Christmas the most important holiday in Ireland. It is about bringing together family and friends. The Irish pubs shine in this situation.  There are crowded streets with holiday shopping, hot beverages savoured in front of a crackling fire, and carol singers singing your favourite Christmas songs.

The bar is the hub of many small towns and even rural areas during the holiday season. It is typically packed with friends and families who have recently reconnected, holding hands over whiskey and cuddling by the fire. In terms of holiday spirit, it’s incredible.

In December, people can purchase Christmas trees and adorn them with ornaments, tinsel, and coloured lights. Some prefer the star, while others prefer the angel. Ivy wreaths and garlands are used to decorate houses.

Well-known street performers also entertain Christmas shoppers on Grafton Street in Dublin. To raise money for organizations, musicians like Hozier, Bono, and Glen Hansard frequently stop by and perform.

Then, on December 26, there is Wren’s Day, when wren boys, costumed in colour and straw, travel from house to house to solicit money while singing and dancing. Lending them money will help them avoid poor fortune in the upcoming year.

In all, Irish Christmas is a fun event!

Santa in Ireland

Santa Claus is on his way to bring gifts to all the lovely kids in Ireland. In previous years, he had given about four billion gifts to youngsters worldwide. In 2022, safety was the top priority, so Santa donned a mask and sanitised his hands after each delivery. Santa knew he could travel the world in one night. Because he was so eager to meet the kids in Ireland, he arrived in the country at about midnight. Santa will surely come with many goodies for all the good kids in the country. The Irish Aviation Authority will try to ensure that Santa’s landing and delivery of gifts are smooth. They will clear the airspace and be in constant communication with him on the way. 

What time will Santa arrive in Ireland at?

Santa is scheduled to come into Ireland around midnight on December 24th, as he does every other year. 


Santa has a long roster of youngsters who have behaved well all year. All the children’s addresses are on this list. As the population of the earth increases, the list grows longer every year. Every year, Santa has less time to deliver all the gifts to the good kids on Christmas Eve. For this reason, the timing of Santa’s movement could change each year. 

Besides NORAD’s platform, you can track the journey on some dedicated radio stations and Google. Santa will always be a constant reminder of goodwill and joy to children worldwide during Christmas.

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